Wednesday, June 18, 2008

portion control

So I started this post @ 9am, but am just getting back to it. In my life, I think that my dieting issues are many. I don't exercise enough at all very little. Our portion control at our house is out of control, at least with the husband & me. I love to eat!!!! And what I eat may be "a well balanced" diet, but isn't necessarily the best things for me. So let me just recap my week thus far. As Louise said we pigged out on sushi on Saturday. Sunday being Father's day & church, well I have to have a doughnut at church. Then the little girl upstairs had her birthday party, so of course there was ALL kinds of wonderful food(barbeque-ish) to pig out on. No lunch or dinner though. Monday, had breakfast, don't remember lunch (probably picked & snacked on chips, etc.), then hot dogs for dinner. Tuesday, breakfast, lunch probably the same as Monday, dinner was shepherd's pie, then we took the girls to Friendly's to use the bogo coupons I was given for ice cream. Today, breakfast, lunch was chicken noodle heart attack special & dinner is going to be frozen pizza. Don't forget the scrumptious dessert that Louise usually makes, since tonight is bible study night. I'm trying really hard at this particular moment to ignore the doritos & potato chips that are calling my name & am trying to think about the carrots in the frig instead. Not sure who will win that battle though.
The other diet issue I noticed I'm having is eating/snacking late at night. Last night at 10pm I had rumbly's in my tumbly's as my dear friend Pooh likes to say(No, not my friend Louise, who happens to have a nickname of Pooh.) I did not get out of bed & indulge them, but boy if I was still up & on the computer I probably would have.
So Louise says I need to quit whining about how my life stinks & make some positive changes. (See the post, This week's experiment)Do you think she'd dope slap me a bit? It might help! Then in the next post she asks me what my plan is. PLAN?? I'm suppose to have a plan??? Good intentions don't count for anything? Well, like I said in my last post, I'm having some life difficulties, let me think on that & get back with you, Louise. In the mean time- thanks for putting up with me! Feel free to tell me to be quiet any time.

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